My husband is a great dad. He would do anything in the world for Luke and Ashley. It's a wonderful feeling to know that my children will grow up feeling loved and protected by Brent. They have such a great time with him and get so excited when he comes home from a long trip or a day at his office. Now if you know my husband, you know you can not give him a compliment. So we'll see how this goes... And if you know Brent, you'll also know what he was probably screaming in this post... There are days when he doesn't keep his cool, and this was one of them. At least this is my version. I don't think it helped that I couldn't stop laughing. So, this is a Day in the life of Dada.
It was a beautiful spring day........
"Let's go to the sandbar!" We pulled the twins out in their favorite raft. We searched for shells, jumped over the waves and built sand castles. We touched a sea urchin. Saw snails, clams and crabs. What a perfect day. Right???? WRONG.The tide was coming in so we (Brent and I) decided to move our chairs, raft and bag to a dry spot. I had the raft tied onto my chair. I said to Brent "I'M ABOUT TO MOVE MY CHAIR, WATCH THE RAFT." he's like "sure. whatever". So I move my chair to a dry spot and start walking back to get the raft.
The next thing we know, the raft is blowing away(and I mean BLOWING!! Tossing and turning over the water in the wind). Of course I get yelled at to go get it. Even though he was closer since he was standing next to it when it started to blow away. But whatever, I will go. So I take off running. I can not possibly catch up to the raft. So I gently and politely call back to Brent, " Sweet husband, please go get the raft, because you are strong and fast..." and he loses his temper and throws his water socks, (I call them water socks because I think it's funny, they really ARE girls' shoes) In the meantime, there is a boat traveling by who sees his antics and stops to ask if he needs help. You'll have to ask Brent what he says here, because he still hasn't' told me. Knowing my husband, it wasn't pretty...anyway, at this point, the raft is gone and both kids are crying. So in his manly style in his girl shoes, he starts wading over to the raft. It finally stopped blowing and got trapped under a dock. He screams back to me "keep Jackson with you!!" I said, "I will!!"
(seriously, I tried..... but that dog has a mind of his own) Next thing I know, Jackson's gone and the twins are cheering, "Go Dada!!! Get the raft"
About 15 minutes later, he arose from the water with Jackson gasping on one side and the raft on the other. Our hero. What an awesome dad, right? You don't want to hear his version, it involves a lot of cussing...... Here are some pictures I took with my phone.
The raft blew almost to the condos. It's so far you can't see it.

Here come Brent and Jackson with the raft.
He is a wonderful Dad, he just sometimes has a short fuse! He loves his wife and children dearly and would do anything for them.....even chase a blown away raft! And I know that his wife and children love him, too.....even with his short fuse.
Wish I was there. Sounds like a good laugh.
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