Luke and Ashley are probably too young to understand.. and may not understand for a very long time... but for the rest of our lives, each Thanksgiving, we will be giving thanks for the wonderful life we were given on January 3, 2007. I am so thankful for my children, HEALTHY children! I love them more than they will ever know. I just don't think it's possible to understand the love you feel for your babies until you have your own. Mom and Dad, I'm sorry if I put you through anything you didn't deserve!
As I was making cheese straws, I started to get frustrated, because I couldn't get anything done! I would just start to push the dough out of the cookie press and Luke would start tugging at my shirt, "up. up. up, mama, up" I would turn around and trip over a truck, or a doll, or a pot, or Ashley! It didn't matter, my kitchen was a wreck and in total chaos!! How do you cook with TWO TODDLERS in the house?! And the mess?! How can 2 babies make such a mess in such a short amount of time?! Then I stopped and thought, about the Trace Adkins song, "You're Gonna Miss This" and just smiled. (turn your speakers on if you don't have them on already) I am the luckiest person in the world to have this situation! Why would anyone wish it away? Here is the chorus that means so much to me.... Especially in times when I'm ready to pull my hair out!
You're gonna miss this...
You're gonna want this back...
You're gonna wish these days...
Hadn't gone by so fast...
These are some good times...
So take a good look around...
You may not know it now...
But you're gonna miss this...
Now, I'm on to planning Christmas dinner that's going to be at my house! Bring on the chaos!
I am so thankful for my family, immediate and extended.

1 comment:
These precious toddlers are sooo lucky to have a mom like you! And a special dad, too. It is true, you do miss "this" when it is gone. Try to enjoy every moment and make wonderful memories with your children! Being a mother is the best "job" I have ever had....and I miss the time I got to spend with my children. You and Brent have a wonderful family, you love your kids very much and they love you in return!! I can hardly wait until you all come for Christmas. It is what I am looking forward to most.
Love you all.
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