After a few days of taking care of Savannah and the twins, things seemed to get back to normal, and Brent came home from his business trip. Because he was gone for a few days, he had a ton of laundry and I was so busy carting the twins and Savannah back and forth to the vet, I was WAY behind on the rest of our laundry, so I decided to do one HUGE load. Only to find out that my genius husband, "who is not afraid to let you know that he was a member of MENSA" left freakin fish oil pills in the pocket of a pair of pants! Fish oil pills??? What? First of all, why in the heck were they in his pocket??!! Well..... my HUGE load of laundry? Stunk like fish. I'm talking rotten fish. We are the only people in the neighborhood (probably the whole state, that when you walk by our house when we're doing laundry, you don't smell the freshness of a fabric softener, you smell fish!) I re-washed the laundry, but just can't seem to get the smell out. I'm thinking because it's an oil?? Anyone have any suggestions for me? All we need is to replace the washer and dryer now. Good one Brent, kind of makes me think of the time you left lobster tails in our freezer when the hurricane hit. (ended up having to throw the whole refrigerator out...)
Speaking of refrigerator. We had a bad storm come through here last night, and lighting pretty much zapped out our phones and our fridge. Only thing is, I didn't notice the fridge was out until this morning when all the food I spent 2 1/2 hours making yesterday for the twins to have while we're out of town went bad. Our milk was sour and, yup, you guessed it. Brent and I had Mahi Mahi last night for dinner. Where were the leftovers? In the HOT fridge.
So, just when I'm about to lose it, I call and check my messages on our phone line (which is dead from the storm) and get the message from Savannah's vet. I am so happy to report, that Dr. Grigsby removed 100% of the tumor with clean margins. This means that she is CLEAR! We have an appointment on Thursday with her oncologist to check out a few more things, and then hopefully, I can say, Savannah is healthy. So, turns out, today was a great day. All this other stuff, doesn't mean anything. Besides, I'm going on vacation! I think......
I'm thankful for having one of the best veterinary oncologists in the country only 45 minutes away. I'm thankful for Dr. Correa caring so much about Savannah, and I'm thankful for Dr. Grigsby doing Savannah's surgery on such short notice. And most of all, I'm thankful for my girl, Savannah, she's been my best friend for 10 years, and hopefully, will be for many more.
Here's a picture of Savannah just taken this week to show you how well she's doing!

And of course, I can't leave Jackson out. He loves Ashley so much. Especially since she gives him beer.....

I do not know if this will work for your stinky clothes, but it is worth a try. Try putting some baking soda in the washer with the detergent and that may take away the odor.
I am glad that Savannah is doing better! Poor girl.....she's had a time of it. But she is so gentle and sweet.
I know that Jackson loved the beer especially since Ashley was trying to give it to him....he loves her.
I do not know how you do it deserve your upcoming vacation! And we can hardly wait to come keep our precious grandchildren.
See you soon!!
that is so stinking (he he) hilarious...i love your life and i know you do too...thanks so much for blogging...we have fish oil at our house too...i will warn chad that i will not be as nice as you were to brent...or is he still living? can't wait for you to get to your vacation...enjoy!
love you!
So, I tried to send you an email, but if I am remembering correctly, the last time I tried to send you one you never got it. I wonder if I have an old one. Please email me tonight from the correct email address so I can email you the pictures of Kaylond.
hey one time Jeff went fishing andleft a live fish in his pocket, then put his jeans in the laundry. You guessed it, I washed the jeans and found a dead fish in the washer. Yucky!
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