OK, nobody wants to confess to this, so I will.....
we sometimes hide from our kids. I'm sure many of you have been in the situation during the day, when you're like, "Yes! Finally!!!" He/she (or in our case, he AND she) is playing happily with that book, but Oh My Gosh! I've never been so thirsty in my life! Problem is, you have to pass by them to get to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. What do you do? Well..
WE pretend we're in Vegas and silently back bend like blue men into the kitchen, but does it ever work? Heck no!! Why is it, that they don't hear you when you say, "It's time for bed." But when you're trying to sneak by them, they stop what they're doing, scream and follow you? Do they have eyes in the back of their heads? Do they just h

ear really REALLY well? Or do they have both? I was laughing at Brent the other morning because he hid between the pantry and the family room and ate his cereal. CEREAL!! come on! How hard is that? The twins won't let him eat! When did we get to the point where we had to sneak around? I remember being like, "OMG, they're so cute! I never want to be apart from them for a second!" WHAT??!! We're like, "QUICK! HERE THEY COME!! HIDE!!" Is that bad???
Of course there are times when we can't get enough of them! Here are a few recent pictures.

Luke and Ashley having a "twins' conversation". I wish I could understand what they're saying. Then again, they're probably making fun of me anyway...

Ashley Elizabeth

Luke Thomas

Ashley's hair after a nap

Luke, loving the wind blowing through his hair
Sharing Garlic Bread, their favorite

Hanging out on the step. Their latest trick.
I am thankful that we WANT to hide from our babies because that means they are active, and if they are active, they are healthy.
I love the pictures! Ashley is NOT going to be happy with you one of these days, though....her hair looks like mine when I wake up. They are growing since we saw them last. We have gotta come soon. Give them a hug and kiss for me.
I LOVE it! Seriously Missy, you need to start writing (I know, “with what extra time you ask.”). You are a REALLY good writer! You are funny and put things together that I have TOTALLY been feeling lately. All weekend long I was so tired from just keeping up with Anna, and she is an easy kid, and there is just one of her!! I felt bad that I felt that way! You worded exactly what I felt perfectly. I love your little ones!! The are ADORABLE!! I can’t see Brent’s pic enough to remember what he looks like, so I can’t say who the kids look like, but I hope you see yourself in them! I see aspects of you in both of them personally, but that is without knowing their dad too well. They are precious! THANK YOU for sending the link!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, Ashley it is official, you have hair like your mamma's
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