Monday, June 16, 2008


Well, our swimming lessons have concluded. I must say, that I'm a little relieved. It was every weekday for 6 weeks. Very time consuming. This wasn't like your everyday swimming lessons. They were taught to swim, float, swim and find their way out of whatever body of water they fall in. (it's really survival lessons) Their personalities REALLY came through at the lessons. Luke was all business, and would swim, swim swim, "get me out of this pool!!!" Where as Ashley would just float.... "Look at the sky and float". Don't think one is better than the other, but I know that if "god-forbid" they fell into the water, and nobody was around, they would survive. That's all I care about. One thing the program does, that I think is really great, is that they put them in full winter clothes. Blue jeans, sweatshirts, shoes and a real waterlogged diaper, (adding about 10 extra pounds) to make sure they can float this way. Because chances are, if they're going to fall in, they won't be in their bathing suits. We were going to video tape them at there graduation lesson, but of course being down here in South Florida, it got canceled due to weather, so all I have are a few old pictures. You can't really tell too much what's going on, but at least you can see them floating. I'll post a video when I get one..


I'm thankful for programs like ISR that teach my children to be safe.


  1. I love these two. I am SO glad that there are people who will teach these courses. Just glad I did not have to watch....I would have been a wreck! Great job Ashley and Luke!!!!

    Love you all,

  2. Wow, Aunt Wendy is so proud of Luke and Ashley! I love how relaxed Ashley looks in her picture. I wish I could relax in the water like that!!
    I can't wait to see the video:)

  3. i cannot believe this!! i ahve heard of it briefly but that is wonderful...what a great mom you are!!

  4. How amazing is that! She is just floating there with her hands behind her head having fun! I can't wait until our boys are old enough to so a swim class like this!
    Btw I found your profile on blogger when I was searching for other twin mommies :)
