I always seem to post about wonderful, happy times, but obviously our lives are not that perfect. So, to prove that we are very normal, well, maybe not.... Here's how our Easter weekend went.... ha!
Saturday morning, we got up EARLY to go to the Tequesta Easter Egg Hunt. Ashley wanted her hair in french braids which I love. I even braided in baby's breath. She and I were excited about her beautiful hair until Brent walked down the stairs and smelled the baby's breath in a vase and said, "Those flowers smell like Pee!" What?! Are you kidding me?! Of course, since Brent said that, Luke had to say it as well. And that started the downward spiral of the baby's breath. "Mom!! I don't want to smell like pee!!!"--"You, don't Asha, your Dad just likes to say things like that! You look beautiful!"--"Mom!! Take the flowers out!"--"I can't, Asha, they're already braided in. Trust me, they don't smell bad!" WHAAAAHHHHHH... And the crying began. The whole time, I'm giving Brent the evil eye and he tries to back pedal. Meanwhile, Luke is keeping it up. "Ashley smells like pee! Ashley smells like pee". Eventually we convinced her that she smelled wonderful and she loved her baby's breath and french braids again.

We finally got to the egg hunt and things were great. When it was time to hunt for eggs, Ashley just stood there and watched all the kids. Luke took off and found a golden egg (not "the" golden egg, but a golden one. We told him it was special) Ashley ended up getting ONE measly egg. After all the eggs were opened, and candy poured into their baskets, Brent and Ashley took everything back to the car while Luke and I stayed with his friends at the park. We got really distracted by all the Sponge Bob characters and Luke had to have his picture taken with each one. By the time we found Brent and Ashley over by the petting zoo, Brent was fuming. "where were you?! you were supposed to meet us here, 20 minutes ago!" Whoops......

We then went home and I took the kids over to our neighbor's house for Egg Hunt #2. In the mean time, Luke started having horrible diarrhea, which we thought was from all the candy he had at the park. (Lord help me, please do not go at the neighbors house.) We get over there and they are perfect angels. They fill their baskets with eggs.

Luke decided that the snails were just as beautiful as the eggs, and when i went to sort through their baskets when we got home, this is what I found.

Later that afternoon, we went to Egg Hunt #3. It was at Roger Dean Stadium (the local minor league baseball field). A helicopter dropped 25,000 eggs from the sky. Sounds great, right? no...... We ended up waiting about 2 hours in the heat, in a crowd, without water. Cranky, hot kids (one with diarrhea) and a sweaty, "I hate people" husband, did not make for a relaxing afternoon! I swear, Brent and I were on the verge of divorce!
This is a glimpse into the future, Ashley on the phone and Luke looking cool...

After the Egg drop we stayed and watched the first inning of the baseball game which turned out to be fun. (maybe it was the beer that Brent got us?)

Sunday morning, we got up early and searched for eggs and baskets. Everything went pretty smooth, (well minus the kids fighting over finding each other's eggs.-"That's mine! I painted that one!" ugh...) We then went to church and came home and spent the rest of the day in the pool.

Overall, it was a great weekend. It wasn't all bad. We actually had a great time. We had lots of laughs and made lots of great memories. Turns out, Luke and Brent were in the beginning stages of some sort of a bug they picked up on their boys' trip to Georgia and Alabama (posts from that weekend coming soon) And Ashley? She rarely gets mad, but when she does, WATCH OUT!! I feel so blessed to have the family that I have, even though there are times where we all are ready to kill each other! After all, that's what family is about, right?