Living down here in South Florida, Brent and I have to fly to get to our alma maters. (Auburn and Alabama). We get a lot of questions and statements from people down here who don't follow college football. "Why do you go to so many games?" "Why don't you just watch it on TV?" "I would never spend a weekend traveling just to go to a game" and my all time favorite is "Don't you cheer for each other's teams?" ummmm. Noooo........
Before we had the twins, Brent and I would fly into Birmingham on a Friday night. We would rent cars, he would go to Tuscaloosa and I would go to Auburn. We would meet back up at the Airport Sunday morning to fly home. Now this baffled people the most. "Why in the world, would you spend your weekends apart?" ummmmmm..... This is football in the South.
I am sure, because I've been to football games in places other than the south, that others love the game and tailgate too, it's just very different. So to explain this to our friends down here who have been asking us every year, "Why?" here is a list of a few samples.
In the South, RVs roll onto campus 3 days before the game and start up the smokers and grills.
In the South, there are incredible pregame shows with flying eagles, fireworks, and fighter jets flying above.
In the South, you start tailgating as soon as you open your eyes on Saturday morning, unless you got there Wednesday with the RV. In that case, tailgating started on Wednesday.
In the South, there are large flat screen TVs set up at all tailgates to watch other games while waiting on your own to start.
In the South, tailgating doesn't end after the game is over. Immediately after the game, more ribs, chicken and boston butts are thrown in the smoker.
In the South, YOU DO NOT CHEER FOR ANOTHER TEAM, unless you are betting on them.
In the South, you will hear a mother explaining the sport to her 5 year old son.
In the South, you do whatever it takes to get back to your alma mater to cheer for your team, even if that means flying and lack of sleep.
This past weekend Auburn played LSU, which is my favorite game to go to every year. (No it's not the Alabama game, mostly because my husband went there, and it brings on too much tension in the house....) We asked our friends, Andrew and Gina, who live down here to come with us this year. Brent was able to come as well, since Alabama was playing away. We had a great time. The trip started off a little rocky, but ended up perfect with an Auburn win 24-17 and landing us in 1st place in the BCS. Not too sure how I feel about that, 1st place seems to be cursed this year.....
Here are some pictures taken with my phone to document our trip:
Nothing like starting the trip out by cleaning up a half eaten fish a bird dropped on the roof. I thought for sure this was an omen and not to go to the game.

After arriving at the airport, we were told our flight was delayed 2 1/2 hours, and it got worse from there, more and more delays. Again.... another omen... After having a drink at the bar, Brent and Andrew decided to check a different airline to see if there were any open seats.

There were, but we had to change all plans and fly to Atlanta and not Birmingham. This would mean cancel all Birmingham reservations (car, hotel, dinner) and make new in Atlanta. We had to rush to go back out through security, print new boarding passes and get to the other gate before that plane took off. By the time we reached the gate, Brent and Andrew's seats were upgraded to first class. Being the gentlemen that they are, they went to the counter and got the new tickets and gave them to Gina and me. Woo hoo! Bring on the lobster and champagne! No more omens here!

Saturday morning, we arrived bright and early at the tailgate. Allen started the jambalaya in a vat....

He makes enough to feed an army, this is just the andouille and chicken!

The metal tigers went up on the tailgate

And the girls (and Joel) got our picture taken

I got those funny glasses Sherri and I are wearing from the Wine and Food Festival last year. Perfect for the game!
Time for the game, apply sunblock!

Game was awesome. Couldn't get a picture of the scoreboard though, but it did say, 24-17!

We had a great time, now heading back to the tailgate for more food and football.

Since Halloween is around the corner, Sherri and I had to put on our wigs. We couldn't get Brent to dress up as Mango or Matt as the Energizer Bunny again, they were too busy watching the Alabama game.....

Soon after, we left Auburn and headed back to Birmingham for our early flight home. We were all exhausted, but I think Andrew and Gina now see why Brent and I do this so often. If I could just bring everyone else with us to understand why we go through what we do to go to a game, I would. Anyone is welcome next year, as long as you don't wear a canary shirt..........
I am thankful to have gone to such a fabulous college. It is great to be an Auburn Tiger, and great to enjoy football in the south.