Don't even know where to start with this story. I guess at the beginning.
As I sit here typing this, I can't help but laugh. I've told you in past entries that I've been having a really difficult time getting the twins down for a nap. I really think it would be so much easier if they didn't share a room, but I just don't have the type of house where I could separate them, and besides, they would HATE it! They can't stand being separated, even for a few minutes.
Well, the other day, I told them it was nap time and I put them in their room and closed the door. I heard them in there singing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs. (What can I say? We've gone to A LOT of birthday parties this summer) Soon, they were laughing and I would hear a few things crashing on the floor (probably books that were on the bed since everything else has been CLEARED out of the room). Then I heard Luke playing with the door, opening it, then quietly closing it, he must have thought he was being sneaky. I so desperately wanted a little "space" that I just ignored it.
After about 30 minutes, it got really quiet, so I figured they were sleeping. I gave them a few more minutes to fall asleep "hard" before going to check on them, only when I went to open the door, it wouldn't open. Then I hear Luke, "Mama! open the door!" I tried again. Nothing. Somehow he locked the door. I have no idea how he did it. It's a french door handle with a twist lock that is really hard to turn! At first I started laughing because they were both on the other side of the door at this point asking me to unlock it. I didn't have the little tool to unlock it from the outside, so I tried to teach them how, "twist the little piece that looks like a coin". Then I hear Luke in his 2 year old little voice, "No!"--- "Come on Luke, I can't open it from out here, please twist the coin." ----"No!, Let me out!" After a few minutes of this, and trying to open the door with a coat hanger, I realized, I needed the tool.
I called one of my neighbors who said she didn't have one. So, I ran across the street to my other neighbor's house, then another, then another. Nobody had one! I ran into the house and called a contractor who works on several houses in the neighborhood thinking he was around and I knew he would have the tool. Then I looked out the front door and saw a couple neighbors walking up my driveway with their tool boxes. Oh, boy, embarrassment is starting to set in at this point. Why is it that the house is always the messiest it can possibly be when things like this happen??? I know my neighbors were thinking "how do these people live like this?!". But in my defense, I do have 2 two year olds with about a million different toys (2 of everything) everywhere!
After trying several different tools, my neighbor, Jon, opened the door. Luke and Ashley just looked at him like, "who are you?!" Then they got scared. After a couple minutes they calmed down, and I walked my neighbors out. The twins wouldn't stop talking about it. They were so excited to tell their dad when he got home from work. And everyone else who would listen. I thought it was bad enough that they locked themselves in the room until, the next day when Luke was telling perfect strangers, "Dada went to work. Mama locked me in my room and a man came over".
I am thankful my children got out of their room safely and am glad it was their bedroom and not another. After all, that room is probably the safest room in the house since I have completely stripped it! Also..... I guess I got a little "space".