I know, I know, it's not just the hot summer making me lazy with keeping up the blog. But I have an excuse! I haven't been able to get on the computer for awhile during the twins' nap time because we switched them over to big beds and they DON'T sleep! All they want to do is run around their room and be destructive. Just this weekend, Brent had to put locks on their dresser drawers and I had to remove all shelves and pictures from the walls. When I say destructive, I mean DESTRUCTIVE. Take a look at what they did with a few diapers that were neatly packed. 

Oh, and they like wipes too.
And clothes.....
And toys, and blankets, and sheets and pillows and pictures and anything else they can reach.
They also put toys in the toilet and marker on the walls, not to mention the whole "bologna sticks to the wall, Mama!" stage. (oh, and have you ever stepped on a piece of bologna barefoot before?!) I have....
The first half of the summer has been filled with lots of fun. Birthday parties, picnics, slip and slides, snow (yes, snow), the beach, popsicles, watermelon, swimming and much more. This summer is whizzing by!
It's hard to explain how much they have changed since they turned two. The best way is to say, they turned TWO. They fight, they laugh, they talk, they run, they jump, they climb, they fall, they have temper tantrums, they joke, they hug. They tell me they love me. And my heart melts. I am so in love with them. One second, I'm ready to put them on ebay and the next, they're cuddling in my lap. But I wouldn't trade a minute of the rough times, the good times are just too good. They're just awesome. I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with them during the day and experience all of this.
Here are some pictures from the first half of summer.
Until next time....