I love Halloween!! I loved it as a kid, and I love it even more now, watching Luke and Ashley run around acting crazy! It's hilarious. I had in my mind that I wanted them to be Raggedy Ann and Andy for a long time, then my brother said, "Luke will kill you one day for that!" So, I started coming up with other ideas, "Charlie Brown and Lucy" "Bamm Bamm and Pebbles", etc. I just couldn't decide. Then one day we were having a "refusing to poop" issue. To try and coerce them, I simply said, "EVERYbody poo poos! Elmo poo poos, Jackson poo poos, Savannah poo poos, even Mama poo poos". (I can't believe I'm writing this here, but whatever) So anyway, we head out to reading hour at the mall later that morning, when all of the sudden Luke starts telling everyone and ANYONE, "Mama poo poo! Mama poo poo!" The more I would tell him to stop, the more he would say it louder and louder. Until he was screaming "Mama poo poo!" as loud as he could, then he would laugh and laugh... So that's when I decided, That's it! he's going to be Raggedy Andy, whether he likes it or not! I can't get over how much they've changed since last Halloween! Check out the difference!


It's so crazy how different things are down here for the holidays. It's HOT on Christmas, and Halloween pumpkins? Well, they don't do well in the heat.....

After ONE night on the porch!
I am thankful, Brent got home in time from his trip to see the twins all dressed up.
Here are some more pictures from the month of October!